Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Wednessday Hodgepodge

1. This is the last Hodgepodge in April. Share something you learned this month. I learned that time flies by.


2.  It's National Poetry Month, and we all know you can't escape an April Hodgepodge without a little poetry. Keeping the first line as is, change the rest of the wording in this familiar rhyme to make it your own - 'Hickory Dickory Dock...

Hickory dickory dock
        I lost my favorite socks, maybe my fur baby put them in the pizza box, but, I will not knock her in the head, better days are ahead!!                                    
3. What were one or two rules in the home you grew up in? Growing up, did you feel your parents were strict? Looking back do you still see it that way? Really were no rules, wish there had been.


4. Tell us about a kitchen, or cooking disaster, or mishap you've experienced. Do you have many from which to choose? A few small grease fires.



5. Plant a kiss, plant doubt, plant a tree, plant yourself somewhere...which on the list have you most recently planted? A kiss


6. What's your most worn item of clothing this time of year? Are you tired of it? My minion t-shirt, never tired of it


7. I'm wrapping up the A-Z Blog Challenge this month and our Hodgepodge lands on letter W. What's one word beginning with W, that describes you in some way? How about a word to describe your home, also beginning with W?

My home-Welcoming
8. Insert your own random thought here.


  1. I think it is so interesting that most who grew up without rules wish they had them.
    I like your Tinkerbell in your sidebar.

  2. Enjoyed your answers, your poem is really cute! Amen on your closing thought.

  3. I love the Minions, too! I've never seen the movie and probably never will, but the little yellow guys are adorable. :) I have a minion on my keychain as well as a minion bank for my change. I don't know the name of the one on my keychain, but the bank is an image of the minion named Stuart. They are so cute!

    Have a blessed night!

  4. Great answers, you definitely are warm-hearted and I'm just betting that your home is indeed a welcoming place!

  5. I grew up with no rules and made sure I had rules for my children. My husband grew up with strict rules and didn't want any for our children!

  6. I feel like we had a bit too many, unnecessary rules. I tried to find a happy medium for my kiddos. I'll have to ask them whether or not I succeeded. LOL
