Thursday, July 28, 2016

Drinking, not eating

Well, I am now only drinking, eating makes me very sick. I throw up, and feel really bad. Things I am drinking: Glucernia, Diet Dr. Pepper, Country Time Lemonade, and Maxwell House Swisse Mocha Coffee, and Bottles of Water that I put in the freezer and let get very cold. My stomach can handle the liquids. I also enjoy spearmint candy, and sugar free carmals.


  1. What about liquid food supplements? Would they help at all?

  2. That is not good. I hope you get some relief soon.

  3. I'm so sorry. Praying that the doctor's can heal you soon and that you will be able to eat something.

  4. I hope that these liquids will keep your nutrients, electrocytes and blood sugars stable. Stay warm and keep on fighting. I love your faith and hope.
    Hugs for you dear friend~

  5. I've been wondering where you were! Trust you get some strength up; the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you, David
