Saturday, April 23, 2016

Favorite Childhood Memories

Favorite childhood memories: Running through the sprinklers, skating, freeze tag, red light, green light, mother may I, hide&seek, sleep overs, dodge ball. best friends, laughter, laughter, laughter!!  I was healthy.


  1. Dear heart...I have always enjoyed good health..I do have trouble, in my olden age, with problems with my
    legs...I am on a lot of blood thinners so my blood can pass thru the worn-out arteries....
    I am so so sorry you have such severe are about the age of our son and daughter in law...way too young to be so sick. God bless you...xoxo

  2. Those are all the same things I did as a child. They were good times!!


  3. It's always such a joy to remember our childhood and the lightheartedness which characterized it for us all, my dear friend !

    Hope you're enjoying your Sunday,
    I'm sending you love and gentle hugs,
    with much thankfulness


  4. Some games are so universal :)

  5. Those were my favorites too! Those were the days.....

  6. Our childhoods were simple and carefree, I wish kids grew up more like that now, without so many stresses and scary things, and without their faces glued to lit up screens. We take being healthy for granted until we learn what it's like not to have it, I would give anything to be able to what I could do when I was younger, but as it is we must all content ourselves with the limitations and abilities God gives us, and find ways to still be happy, and we can!

  7. Such happy memories! Before parents hovered over kids and scheduled every minute.

  8. I loved the same things, plus my dog.
    sorry you don't have good health.
    life is so unfair.
