Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Things That Make Me Smile

My hubby, my fur baby, minions, music,roses, candles, fairies,angels, teddy bears, the color purple, rain, singing, dancing, fireworks, rainbows, naps,dolphins, the ocean.my friends, my family. My precious salvation.


  1. Always a good thing to have something to smile about !

  2. Of course my dog Skye makes me smile and I love rainbows too along with fireworks!

  3. Oh friend, what a sweet post :) The Lord has given us MUCH to smile about. I am smiling because He allowed us to meet through blogging. Hugs to you!

  4. This is a great list of reasons to smile, many of these would rank high on my list including teddy bears, candles, purple things, dolphins, and of course furkids!!
