Friday, April 29, 2016

Five Minute Friday-Pass

This too shall pass, that thought kept running through my mind, as I spent time in rehab after my stroke, and after my heart attack. Each day, I grew a little bit stronger. Both times in rehab, I had to learn to walk again. I started out in a wheelchair, then to a walker, and then a cane. Did not do very well with the cane, so both times, when I came home from rehab, I was using a walker. I am now walking on my own two legs, no walker. It is far from easy, with my two totally numb feet, caused from diabetic neuropathy.  But, I refuse to give up. This too, shall pass!!


  1. I say that a lot myself, "this too, shall pass". Although, I've gone through nothing compared to you. I just realized that you live in Chattanooga....only about 2 hours from us!!! We live in Strawberry Plains, about 15 miles east of Knoxville! Small world!

  2. Love your attitude. You go, girl!

    Hi! Stopping by from Betty's blog. Isn't she a gem?!!

  3. I'm sorry that you can't feel your feet. David can't feel his either. It makes standing and walking very difficult and injuries much easier.

    You're in my prayers! Have a blessed day.

  4. Good for you ! You are a very positive and persistent person. I use that phrase 'This too shall pass' often.

  5. Stay strong. I was planning on writing a FMF post too.
    Enjoy your day.

  6. I so admire your attitude and determination ....
    and thanks so much for the birthday wishes for our beautiful girl. xoxo

  7. I understand. I have "the equivalent to diabetic neuropathy, according to Mayo Clinic. No feeling in my feet; and I fall a lot. It sounds like you are doing well...keep going.

  8. That's great, keep on the Grace of God, everything is going to be alright.

  9. My best wishes for you darling!
    God Bless you

  10. You are such a strong woman. And such an inspiration!

  11. Glad you're on your feet. That's big.

  12. God bless you for hanging in there. Don't give up. Keep on keeping on.

  13. Keep climbing the mountains. You are a role model for the rest of us.

  14. It takes so much courage to learn things over and to still have enough fight left in you to do it again! I think you are amazing and that determination is what will keep you going to the very end! HUGS <3
